The Pastor's Desk
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From the Pastor’s Desk: December 31st, 2024
Dear Parishioners of Jt. Jude Church,
Many of you are aware that the Diocese of Rockville Centre entered a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy process in October 2020. This was the result of the New York State Legislature’s passage of the Child Victims Act in 2019, which allowed lawsuits for historical accusations of child sexual abuse, regardless of how many years or decades ago the alleged abuse took place. The number of lawsuits that were brought against the Diocese, our parishes, schools and other ministries made it impossible to equitably compensate victim-survivors of child abuse with meritorious claims through court trials. Trials would have resulted in the first survivors of in line receiving compensation and the rest receiving little or nothing.
Bankruptcy offered the possibility of equitable compensation and some measure of healing for survivors, while allowing the Church to continue the saving mission of Jesus Christ by, first and foremost, securing the future of our parishes. The Diocese, as well as every parish and ministry, made a contribution to the settlement in order to accomplish these goals. To resolve all past claims of abuse of minors and to secure the future of the Church’s ministries throughout Long Island, it was necessary that every parish participate in the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy process. This is to ensure that no historical claims could place parishes or schools at risk in the future.
The total settlement amount was just over $323 million, which included insurance contributions, Diocesan assets and sale proceeds from Diocesan property, and contributions from parishes and other related entities. The Diocese, parishes and other related entities contributed a total of $234.8 million. Insurance companies contributed a total of just over $85 million. Counsel for the Creditor’s Committee contributed $3 million. All participated in order to offer equitable compensation to survivors and move this difficult ordeal towards its conclusion.
Our Parish of St. Jude contributed $470,346 dollars to the settlement of all cases. I know, this is a substantial amount of money. These funds came from our investments which has accumulated and increased throughout the years. I know that the thought of our Parish contributing to a settlement can cause anger, confusion, and resentment. “Why is our parish paying anything?” This was not our fault.” Please understand that the cost of bringing current or potential future cases against our Parish to trials, especially if judgements were eventually rendered, would be devastating to the work and future of St. Jude Church. This is about protecting our Parish now and for the future.
We know that the horrific scandal of child abuse was not caused by us, but we inherited the devastating effects. In 2019, as a result of the law passed by New York State Legislature, our parishes became subject to lawsuits based upon claims of abuse from decades ago, long before any current priests or staff members arrived here and, in fact, before most of our current parishioners lived within the parish. The law has affected not only the Church, but many public and private institutions across the state. By participating in the bankruptcy process, along with the whole Church throughout Long Island, we have helped resolve all claims and to secure the future of our Parish. As a result, historical lawsuits can no longer be brought against St. Jude Church.
We pray for all survivors of child abuse, that by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the compassion of others, they may find healing and comfort. We pray for our parishes and all ministries that serve God and the common good of all people on Long Island, that Mary, Mother of the Church will intercede for us. Out of this dark chapter in the Church’s history, we look to a time of resurrection, to a Church purified and eager to bring the saving message of Jesus Christ to all people.
With prayers and gratitude to you and your family for your faithfulness ~
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Ryan
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From the Pastor’s Desk: June 16, 2024
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From the Pastor’s Desk: November 12 th, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: October 22th, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: September 10th, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: August 27th, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: August 20th, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: August 13th, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: July 2nd, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: June 11, 2023
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From the Pastor’s Desk: June 18, 2023
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