St. Jude Parish Outreach
Parish Outreach Services
Parish Outreach Food Pantry
Our Parish Outreach provides food and non-perishable items for those in our community. Our dedicated staff is lead by Karen and Adeline, and volunteers, who are there to help those in need.
We are grateful to all of our parishioners who are so generous with their donations. Part of living the Gospel is to help feed the poor, to give comfort to those who are suffering. If you would like to get in contact with Parish Outreach, please call: 631-281-5634.
Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm
Health Services
Medical support for our church is offered by Catholic Health, a not-for-profit, mission-based organization continuing the work of our women religious who founded hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and other Long Island agencies reaching back more than a century. Catholic Health offers blood drives, free wellness seminars, support groups and other community health-related events and programs year-round.