Join Our ChurchVolunteer for a Ministry
Volunteer for one of our many ministries at St. Jude Church in Mastic Beach. You will find that it is not only a way to help the parish but also a way to make long lasting friendships.
Our Ministries
Baptism Ministry
We invite any adult who wants to be a part of our Faith Formation as a catechist and be a part of our our catechetical mission in teaching our youth. We are presently in need of catechists for grades 1 through 8, and available Mondays or Wednesdays evenings or Saturdays mornings, for one hour of class. We appreciate our catechists for their time and sharing their faith with our youth. Becoming a catechist requires a serious commitment to the Church and our families here at St. Jude.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Candice Palma:
Altar Servers
Altar servers (grades 4-12) assist the priest at Masses and special liturgical celebrations. Altar servers receive community service for their reverence and assistance at the Masses. They receive the necessary training before they serve.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Candice Palma:
Church Cleaning
Our St. Jude Cleaning Team meets every Thursday at 1:00pm in the church and help keep our church beautiful. We are grateful for their dedication and care for keeping our church clean and sanitized.
For more information, please contact the rectory:
Ministry of Consolation
For those who are mourning and grieving the loss of a loved one our Ministry of Consolation is there for the family to help them in this time of need. Our ministers contact the family and assist them in preparing for the funeral service and also giving them comfort and consolation.
For more information, please contact the rectory:
Eucharist Ministers
Eucharist Ministers – Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist not only give the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to parishioners at Mass but also for those who are homebound. There is training.
For more information, please contact the rectory:
Would you be interested in proclaiming the Word of God at Sunday Mass? After a training session you can be a part of the Mass in a special way.
For more information, please contact the rectory:
Family Ministry
If you were wondering who puts together our family and parish events it is the St. Jude Family Ministry. This is a fun ministry that is really a family. They meet once a month and discuss the future events such as dance & dinners, Summer BBQ, Movie Night, Spring, Fall, Summer, and Winter activities all year round.
For more information, please contact the rectory:
Men's Ministry
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10:00am our Men’s Ministry meet at the Parish Center. They are dedicated Catholic men who gather together and express their feelings, beliefs, and experiences with each other who share the same values and faith, encouraging one another to grow in understanding themselves and their living the Gospel in today’s world.
If interested please join them at the Parish Center at their next meeting or call:
Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic
This Fraternity is recognized world wide and lives by the precepts of St. Dominic. They meet the 2nd Sunday after the 12:00 noon Mass at the Parish Center. They are a spiritual group that pray together and in solidarity with the teachings of the Church they live a missionary life by their words and actions. If interested please contact Ms. Agnes DiStefano:
Music Ministry
Be a part of our Adult or Children Choir and sing at our Masses. The Choir practices every Wednesday evening.
For more information, please contact Mr. Humberto Diaz:
Parish Social Outreach
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact our Parish Outreach Coordinator Karen:
Rosary Altar Society
Our Rosarians meet the first Monday of the month in the Church at 7:00pm and pray the Rosary, followed by a meeting to discuss their next parish event. Our Rosarians clean the liturgical linens once a week and are an integral part of providing our seasonal events at St. Jude Church.
For more information, please contact the rectory:
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Our Vincentians work together with our Parish Outreach in living the missionary work of the church in serving the needs of others, especially the poor. They meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. They help those in some economical need such as electric, oil, rent, medical, and housing. They also help find assistance of those needing some legal aid or suffering from addiction. At their meetings they pray together and reflect on the Gospel.
If interested please contact their president: Ms. Robin Gallo at:
Ushers greet our parishioners as they enter the church at Mass. They welcome them and assist them in finding a seat.
If interested please contact the rectory:
Youth Ministry
Our Youth Ministry meets twice a month, every 1st & 3rd Friday at 6:00pm at the Parish Center (beginning in September). This group of young adults, teenagers, enjoy an evening together with games, catechetical reflections, and ongoing events.
If you are interested in being a part of the team please contact the office and they will direct you to the Youth Ministry Coordinator Amy: