I appreciate the change of seasons, enjoying the summer months more so than these winter days that are upon us now. But none the less, the change of seasons puts us in the rhythm of God’s creation and the reality of change is a part of life even outside of natural realm of the things. Winter gives us more time for interior things such as home remodeling, cleaning, or even painting. But it also give us more time for our own personal interior “remodeling, cleaning, or reflection/reading/meditating/dreaming”.
This Sunday the Catholic Church celebrates the Word of God. What does that mean? Why would the Church make it part of their liturgical calendar? Perhaps we take it for granted or really don’t understand the significance of Sacred Scripture and how God has communicated His love for us throughout history. Today we are celebrating and reflecting on the importance of the Bible in our lives.
The Word of God nourishes and strengthens our spiritual lives just like physical food nourishes our bodies. Interiorly the Word of God has the power to transform our lives, to beckon us to change the things we need to change. Winter is a change from Fall, but it will lead into the change we will see in the Spring with its budding of plants, flowers, and new life in the natural landscape surrounding us. The Word of God is powerful and acts accordingly to those who take the time to embrace it, whether it be a passage from the Gospels, a Psalm, or perhaps meditating on one of Paul’s letters.
Yes, it can challenge us to examine our hearts, repent of our sins, and strive to live according the will of God. So, these winter days give us a new opportunity to be open to the beauty and awe within each of us. This is a season of more solitude that sometimes we don’t realize its opportunity, like a God given gift that we let pass by. “The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than a two edged sword, able to pierce both bone and marrow, spirit and soul, and discern the thoughts of the heart” (Heb 4:12).
It is wonderful to know that many of you have been partaking in Fr. Kline’s Bible Study every Friday here at St. Jude. I want to thank Fr. Kline for bringing the Word of God to us and I encourage all who have the time to drop by our Parish Center every Friday morning at 10:00 ~ all are welcome. And for all of us celebrating the Word of God Sunday may we make the effort and time to open our Bibles. God surprises us with a passage or chapter that seems to be speaking to us personally time and time again.
St. Jude, pray for us ~
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Ryan