This Sunday is the Third week of Advent which is called Gaudete Sunday , which means: Rejoice !,
taken from Paul ’ s letter to the Philippians 4:4 -5. The season of Advent begins to move forward with its
twofold significance: the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus and now it will move toward the joyful and divine
act of God ’ s love for His creation: Jesus, Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary: the Christmas glorious event
of our salvation beckons upon the universe.
In today ’ s Gospel reading, John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, calls the people to repentance. He
urges them to bear fruits worthy of repentance, not merely empty words. Repentance is not simply about
feeling sorry for our sins; it is about a radical change of heart and a commitment to live in the newness of life,
an ongoing conversion of faith in Christ.
John ’ s message is a challenge to us today. Are we truly ready to welcome the Lord into our lives? Are
we willing to let go of our sins and embrace a life of love and service?
As St. Paul exhorts us to rejoice in the Lord always. This can be a difficult task in a world filled with
suffering and uncertainty. Yet, Paul reminds us that true joy comes from our relationship with God. When we
trust in God ’ s love and providence, we can find peace and joy even in the midst of trials.
May these closing days of Advent renew our commitment to prepare for the coming of the Lord. Let
us examine our lives with truth and sincerity, opening our hearts to receive the gift of God ’ s love. And let us
spread joy and hope to others as we await the birth of our Savior.
Putting our faith in action is here at St. Jude Church in so many ways thanks to you. Our Parish
Outreach just finished feeding the poor and needy in our community for their Thanksgiving dinner. Now they
are getting the Christmas gifts ready for the children. All this made possible with our volunteers and your
generous charity. Yes, faith in action.
I want to thank AnnMarie Leonardi for orchestrating our Annual St. Jude Christmas Fair. It was once
again a huge success bringing Christmas joy to all. It just doesn ’ t happen. I want to thank all the volunteers, so
many of you, for putting faith in action. Thank You to our Rosarians, Family Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul
Society, the Columbiettes, the Knights of Columbus St. Jude Council, Kids of the Kingdom Youth Group, and
Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Anne Leonardi for making the St. Jude Fair such a wonderful, joyful, and loving event
for all!
May the grace of the Holy Spirit guide us on this Advent journey and fill our hearts with the joy of the
Lord ’ s coming!
St. Jude, pray for us
~ Blessings and Joy,
Fr. Ryan